Yay for author school visits! I recently got to share my love of writing and creativity with the second graders at Geneva Elementary here in Bellingham, AND I guided them in making their very own journals. We had SO MUCH FUN!
I love doing school visits!
These are kinda what the kids journals ended up looking like (they are the examples). Next to a gnome in the Library.
Some of my favorite comments from kids from the day:
“I think your name (kj) could stand for Kitty of Justice. That could be your superhero!”
“This journal I made is potentially very dangerous. I mean, think of all the paper cuts that it could give someone.”
When invited to share what a journal is or could be, one kid said: “My happy place.”
Other delights: I hung out eith lots of gnomes between sessions (the Geneva mascot) and I did a silly walk next to the silly walk sign. A happy happy day! Thank you to my friend Mrs. Ritchie for inviting me!